Have your say on the future of the Coal Loader Wharf

Published on 06 December 2022

I invite the community to share their views on how to best ensure the heritage of the Coal Loader Wharf is incorporated in a future wharf design.

The Coal Loader Wharf was an iconic structure in the area due to its rich history, serving as an industrial coal transfer depot from the 1920s for more than 70 years.

“The community is encouraged to share their ideas for the wharf’s future via a Vision Survey which will be open for feedback from Friday 2 December to Sunday 15 January 2023.” 

At the same time, a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) will be on public display for make safe and retrieval work to address any current safety concerns. The feedback from the REF will inform the plan for retrieving heritage material while ensuring structural integrity is maintained for navigational and personal safety.

Since being decommissioned in the early nineties, the structure has been deteriorating, and recent adverse weather events have caused parts of the wharf to collapse into the water.

“I understand the significance the Coal Loader Wharf holds for locals, and input from the community will play an important role in determining how we move forward with this project."

“The first step in the project would be to ensure the area is safe so planning for the future use of the 100-year-old wharf can start. Subject to planning and heritage approvals, the proposed make-safe and retrieval work will take place in 2023.”

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) will keep the community informed throughout the feedback process and each stage of the project. TfNSW will work closely with North Sydney Council and Heritage NSW to ensure plans for the wharf complement the area and meet heritage requirements.

You have the opportunity to meet the project team at the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability on Thursday 15 December from 11 am to 1 pm. Pop down to see them and share your views.

Please visit the project website to submit feedback on the Vision Survey and the make safe and retrieval REF transport.nsw.gov.au/coalloaderwharf

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