North Sydney Girls High School Rowing Team Success

Published on: March 2022

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-123369

North Sydney Girls High School Rowing Team Success


—Speaker I want to congratulate the North Sydney Girls High School (NSGH) rowing team for their recent success. From the 20th to the 22nd of February, the rowing squad participated in the annual Combined High Schools Regatta at the Clarence River in Grafton. This Regatta was for all public schools within the state. The entire NSGH squad performed extremely well with almost all of the crews finishing on the podium. The senior quad came 2nd in the Championship Women's Quad category. The senior double came second in the under-17s final. In Year 9, the quad groups took out 2nd and 3rd in the under-16s final. In Year 8 the three quad teams swept the podium taking out first, second, and third in the under-15s final. Congratulations to all of these teams for these amazing results. The entire rowing squad should be proud for representing themselves, their school, and our local community with such pride. Thank you to NSGH rowing coaches, school staff, and parents who have supported the development of the rowing squad and helped organise this trip for them to participate in the regatta.

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