Mosman Council Deputy Mayor Roy Bendall

Published on: October 2022

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-127699

Mosman Council Deputy Mayor Roy Bendall

Ms FELICITY WILSON (North Shore) (21:15:43):

I congratulate Mosman Councillor Roy Bendall, who was recently elected unopposed as the deputy mayor of Mosman Council. Roy was first elected to Mosman Council in 2012 and took on this role with a range of experience, having previously held the position of deputy mayor from 2012 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2018. Roy is a third-generation Mosman resident, coming from a lineage of people who give back to our community. He is a local through and through. His passion is to make Mosman a suburb that people will be proud of, and he has worked tirelessly over the years to ensure the best outcomes for all Mosman residents. I congratulate Roy on his elevation to deputy mayor, and I look forward to continuing to work with him to deliver the best outcomes for our shared community. I also congratulate Mosman Councillor Simon Menzies for his contribution to the role over the past year. Together our councillors work with me in the best interests of our community.

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