Beth and Ivan Hodge Sixty-Third Wedding Anniversary

Published on: November 2022

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-129080

Beth and Ivan Hodge Sixty-Third Wedding Anniversary

Ms FELICITY WILSON (North Shore) (18:52:24):

There was certainly love in the air at Balmoral Beach on the weekend as locals Beth and Ivan Hodge celebrated their sixty-third wedding anniversary. Beth and Ivan have celebrated their wedding anniversary at Balmoral for many years. It has become an annual fixture for the whole community to attend. More than one thousand locals joined in at Balmoral on Sunday along with the Fire & Rescue NSW Band, which kept everyone well entertained. There were other politicians spotted walking along The Esplanade. I was very happy to see Ivan and congratulate him. Beth and Ivan are well known for their spectacular honeymoon trip when they travelled in a VW Beetle from London to Calcutta in 1960. In 1996 they again embarked on the same journey in exactly the same Beetle affectionately known as Love Bug, this time ending up in Mumbai. They are currently in talks for a feature film to be made about their lives. I look forward to a special screening of it down at Balmoral. I congratulate Beth and Ivan on their sixty-third wedding anniversary. I wish them many happy years ahead with their twelve grandchildren. I thank them again for making it a special day for our entire community.

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