North Sydney Seniors Festival

Published on: May 2023

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-130661

North Sydney Seniors Festival


—I acknowledge the North Sydney's Seniors Festival celebrated in February of this year. During the festival week, events were held around my local community, including the Morning Tea Launch at the North Sydney Council Chambers, Dance Workshops, a Pop-up Choir, Council Information stalls, and the North Sydney Mens Shed open day. It was wonderful to join the local communities in some of these events and learn more about the different organisations and activities that seniors can be involved in around the electorate. In particular, dropping by the North Sydney Mens Shed was very enlightening. I got to see some of the fantastic projects the men have been working diligently on, and enjoy a delicious sausage sandwich too! Congratulations to the North Sydney Council for hosting the activities. It was certainly enjoyed by all in the community. It provides an amazing opportunity for seniors to get out and about, learn more about what is on offer in this wonderful part of the world, and connect with like-minded community members.

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