Middle Harbor Public School Reconciliation Action Plan

Published on: May 2023

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-130866

Middle Harbor Public School Reconciliation Action Plan


—I would like to acknowledge Middle Harbour Public School for creating their Reconciliation Action Plan. Middle Harbour Public has implemented a vision to create a culture of respect, understanding and meaningful action to develop stronger relationships between First Nations peoples and the community. Classroom settings will provide more opportunities to celebrate cultural identities and engaging learning activities. Middle Harbour Public's Reconciliation Action Plan supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and is dedicated to paving the way for future change makers. Around the school the action plan will improve educational outcomes for Indigenous Australians, increasing knowledge, and respect of the histories and cultures, all staff will be ensured to comply with these polices in their daily practice. Within the wider community where appropriate, significant events will commence with a Welcome of Country, by incorporating this we recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as First Australians and custodians of their land. I congratulate Middle Harbour public school on its commitment to reflecting on the progress made in the growth of knowledge and pride of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island histories, culture, and contributions within the school community.

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