Mosman Environmental Foundation Funding Environmental Conservation

Published on: May 2023

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-131051

Mosman Environmental Foundation Funding Environmental Conservation


—I would like to acknowledge the Mosman Environmental Foundation that are funding a number of projects to protect endangered flora and fauna in Mosman. Four projects have been selected that will share in seventy-thousand dollars that will support environmental work in Mosman. The Sydney Institute of Marine Science received fifty-thousand towards its project to recover declining White's Seahorse populations through a captive breeding program. Zero Emissions Sydney North received eight‑thousand dollars that will go towards hosting a Zero Emissions Schools Network Event at Taronga Zoo as well case study reports. Dr Amanda Peterson also received over nine-thousand dollars to deliver crucial research on Mosman's underwater forests. Lastly Jack and Jill Kindergarten received over three-thousand dollars for their project to create a successful vegetable/herb gardening and composting program. I congratulate the successful recipients and also commend the work of the Mosman Environmental Foundation for their support of local environmental and conservation programs. I would also like to add my support in this place for local residents and organisations to consider supporting future environmental work in Mosman and across the state through the foundation.

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