Tribute to Betty Gemmell

Published on: August 2024

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-144004

Tribute to Betty Gemmell

Ms FELICITY WILSON (North Shore) (21:13:24):Mosman Collective

Today I acknowledge the sad passing of much‑loved Mosman resident Betty Gemmell. Betty lived until the incredible age of 107 and was believed to be the oldest woman living in New South Wales. Betty's life was defined by her incredible sense of independence, and her good-natured, warm and earnest character. She was beloved as the eldest of seven children and she lived independently in Mosman until just a few weeks before she passed away. She told me her secret to longevity was small meals, regular whiskey, and being happy and cheerful. I have a few of those things to work on. Betty lived through many major historical events, including both world wars, the Great Depression and the moon landing, and she saw 27 Prime Ministers come and go—and that is not just in recent years. Last year, to mark her 106th birthday, editor Anna Usher organised birthday cards from across the entire community—many hundreds of birthday wishes—and Betty told me she was simply overwhelmed by the love from her community. The outpouring of grief from Mosman locals highlights what an incredible woman Betty was and how much she was loved by friends, family and the community. I extend my condolences to all of them. Vale, Betty Gemmell.

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